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INTRO: How To Become a Maine Guide

Intro | Application | Testing | Whitewater Guide’s License

How To Become a Maine GuideGuide Defined:

“Guide” means any person who receives any form of remuneration for his services in accompanying or assisting any person in the fields, forests or on the  waters or ice within  the  jurisdiction of  the  State while hunting, fishing, trapping, boating, snowmobiling or camping at a primitive camping area.

So, you want to become a Maine guide……..


Guides shall be licensed in one or more specialized classifications.

A.  Specialized classification means that a person has met the qualifications to guide one or more specific types of activities as follows:

1.  Specialized Hunting classification means that a person has met the qualifications to guide hunting and trapping activities, including overnight camping trips in conjunction with those hunting and trapping activities.

2.  Specialized Fishing classification means that a person has met the qualifications to guide fishing activities, including overnight camping trips in conjunction with those fishing activities on inland waters.

3.  Specialized Recreational classification means that a person has met the qualifications to guide boating, snowmobiling and camping activities.

4.  Specialized Sea- Kayaking classification means that a person ha met the qualifications to guide sea-kayaking activities on the State’s territorial seas and tributaries of the State up to the head of tide and out to the three mile limit, including overnight camping trips in conjunction with those sea-kayaking activities.

5.  Specialized Tide-Water Fishing classification means that a person has met the qualifications to guide sport fishing activities on the State’s territorial seas and tributaries of the State up to the head of tide out to the three mile limit, including overnight camping trips in conjunction with those tide-water fishing activities.  This license shall apply to any person engaged in guiding fishing activity for any species of fish, except those species harvested under the authority of a Department of Marine Resources license.  This rule does not apply to activity occurring on board a vessel holding a valid and current certificate of inspection issued by the United States Coast Guard.

NOTE: Any person operating a motorboat on the State’s territorial seas and tributaries for the purpose of guiding hunting and fishing activites must obtain U.S. Coast Guard license authorizing the carriage of passengers for hire.

B.  Master certification means that a person has acquired experience in a Specialized classification that exceeds the minimum requirements necessary to be licensed as a guide in that classification.

1.     Persons licensed in one or more specialized classifications may apply for certification as a Master Guide in such classification(s) by filing an affidavit with the Department showing that the applicant has met the necessary qualifications and experience requirements outlined in Chapter 24.05(B)(1)(a) and (b) below.  The necessary qualifications and experience requirements are as follows:

a.  The applicant must have been licensed as a Maine guide in the specialized classification(s) for which Master Guide certification is sought each year during the ten year period preceding the submission of the affidavit for certification; and

b.  A minimum of five years professional experience in the specialized classification(s) must be documented within that ten year period.  One year of professional experience shall be credited for every 240 hours worked in a calendar year.  There must be a minimum of eighty hours of time spent guiding in a calendar year for that time to be creditable towards professional experience.  Only actual time guiding will be credited.  A description of guide’s specific duties and responsibilities and amount of the time spent guiding must be included with the affidavit. The applicant may estimate the amount of time devoted specifically to guiding activity. Experience shall be credited on an hour-for-hour basis.

2.     Upon receipt of an affidavit showing that the applicant has met the necessary qualifications and experience requirements outlined in Chapter 24.05(B)(1)(a) and (b) above, the Department will validate the applicant’s license with the certification that the applicant is eligible to work as a Master Guide.  The applicant may not work as a Master Guide until the license certification has been validated by the Department.

a.  The certification will remain in effect as long as the guide’s license is renewed within one year of expiration.

b.  A determination, an any time, that any of the information contained in the affidavit is false shall be grounds for revocation of the Master Guide certification.

Need more info on how to become a Maine Guide? Contact:

Maine Department of Inland Fisheries & Wildlife 41 State House Station Augusta, ME  04333-0041 Tel:  207-287-8000 TTY:  207-287-4471

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