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Acadian Red Fish

Acadian Redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) Family Scorpaenidae, Scorpionfishes

Common names: redfish, ocean perch

Description: Redfish are an orange to flame red above, fading to a paler hue below. These fish with large eyes are perch­like in appearance. Redfish have a flattened body that is three times longer than it is deep. Their mouth is large and is lined with many small teeth. One continuous dorsal fin runs from the nape of their neck to their caudal peduncle. Their tail fin is noticeably small.

Where found: inshore and offshore Similar Gulf of Maine species: rosefish

Remarks: Redfish are slow growing fish. Ages in excess of 50 years and lengths of up to 18 to 20 inches have been noted. Considered a deep water fish, redfish can be found in shallower waters during the colder winter months. Redfish prefer a rocky bottom. Their diet includes a variety of crustaceans, mollusks and small fish. They are known to hit almost any bait. Although they are considered to be an excellent food fish, they offer the angler little in the way of a struggle when caught.

Records: MSSAR (Maine State Saltwater Angler Records)
IGFA: All­-Tackle World Record

Fish Illustrations by: Roz Davis Designs, Damariscotta, ME (207) 563­2286

Drawings provided courtesy of the Maine Department of Marine Resources Recreational Fisheries program and the Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund.

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